- אודות
- המסלול האקדמי
- לימודי תעודה
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- רישום לתואר ראשון
בעמוד זה ניתן לצפות בפרסומי חוקרי המכללה בנושא היבטים סוציולוגיים והיסטוריים של ספורט ופעילות גופנית . לחץ על הקישור בתחתית כל מקור על מנת לצפות בתקציר.
יוני 2015 – "העצמי הנוכח בגופו"- מודל אינטגרטיבי להערכה מבוססת תנועה המתבוננת בסגנון התמודדות הפרט עם סביבתו. מילכה לאון, בתוך ברגר ר. להתבונן באומנות, לראות את הנפש. (יוצא לאור ביוני 2015). הוצאת אח. ישראל
Galily, Y., Listitsa, S., & Zach, S. (2014). The gap between knowledge and the ability to apply it – How Israelis explain why they are not sufficiently active. Sugiot Hevratiot Be'Israel, 18, 152-175. (Hebrew).
Zach, S., Bar-Eli, M., & Simon, S. (2014). A "Helpmate"? – Role perception of senior public figures' wives in Israel. Sugiot Hevratiot Be'Israel, 18, 7-29. (Hebrew).
Lissitsa, S., Zach, S. & Galily, Y. (2014). Trends in leisure time physical activity among Jewish Israelis, 2007-2012. In Leitner, M. J. & Leitner, S. F. (Eds.), Israeli life and leisure in the 21stcentury. Urbana, IL: Sagamore Publishing.
Zach, S., Betzer-Tayar, M., & Nir-Toor, S. (2014). Women and Israeli sport organizations. In Leitner, M. J. & Leitner, S. F. (Eds.), Israeli life and leisure in the 21st century. Urbana, IL: Sagamore Publishing.
Zach, S., & Wahrman, H. (2014). Civic service of Arab young women: The case of "Mifalot". In Leitner, M. J. & Leitner, S. F. (Eds.), Israeli life and leisure in the 21st century. Urbana, IL: Sagamore Publishing.
(Galily, Y. (2013). Back to the future: Modern sport and history. Zmanin 121 pp.34-35(Hebrew)
Lidor, R., Arnon, M., Maayan, Z., Gershon, T., & Côté, J. (in press). Relative age and birthplace effects in Division 1 female players – The relevance of sport-specific factors. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology.
S. Zach A. Zeev A. Dunsky U. Goldbourt T. Shimony R. Goldsmith Y .Netz (corresponding author).Adolescents' physical activity habits – results from a national health survey, 2012, Child: Care, Health & Development. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2214 201201392x
Kayam, O., Galily, Y., (2012) Freedom of Speech? Israeli Supreme Court Ruling 606/93 – Kidum Initiative Inc. versus the Israel Broadcasting Authority. A Rhetorical Language Analysis. Psychology of Language and Communication, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 67-78
Galily, Y., Yuval, F. & Bar-Eli, M. (2012). Municipal Subsidiary Policy Toward professional Sports Teams: A Democratic Deficit in the Local Government. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, Vol. 32 (7), 431-447.
Galily, Y., Tamir, I. & Muchtar, O. (2012). The Sport-Blogging Community and the Public Sphere: An Israeli Perspective. Journal for Communication and Culture, 2 (1), 68-87
Shor, E. & Galily, Y. (2012). Between Adoption and Resistance: Grobalization and Glocalization in the Development of Israeli Basketball. Sociology of Sport Journal 29(4) 526-545.
Galily, Y., Tamir, I. & Levy, M. (2012). International Federations Policies and the Influence of Terror Attacks on Hosting Sporting Events in Israel. Israel Affairs. 18(4). 629-644
Y. Galily, I. Tamir, Y. Meckel, A. Eliakim,. Socio-cultural Characteristics of Physical Activity Habits in Israel (1992-2008). International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy. Vol. 32, pp. 461-479, 2012
Kayam, O., Hirsch, T. and Galily, Y. (2012). Linguistic Landscape: Investigation of Linguistic Representations of Cape Town. International Journal of Linguistics. 4 (3) 69-77
Kayam, O., Kaufman, H. (2011). Rhetoric in Israeli sports journalism. Hebrew Higher Education, 14, 327-355Simon, S., Zach, S., Oglesby, C., & Bar-Eli, M., Role perceptions of senior politicians' wives in Israel. Journal of Sociology, first published on July 13, 2011 as doi:10.1177/1440783311408969
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קאופמן, ח, (2010). הלורד מקים נבחרת כדורגל עברית. עת-מול, 209, 14-12
Lisitza, S., Galily, Y., & Chachashvili-Bololotin, S. (2010). Talking or doing? Gender differences in physical activity participation in Israel at the threshold of the 21st century. European Journal for Sport and Society, 7(1), 31-40
Tamir, I., & Galily, Y. (2010). Women's sports coverage in Israel – Perception versus reality. International Journal of Sport Communication, 3(1), 92-112
Kaufman, H., & Galily, Y. (2009). Body culture, religion and Jewish Identity STADION, 35, 27-46.
Kaufman, H., & Galily, Y. (2009). Sport, Zionist ideology and the State of Israel. Sport in Society, 12(8), 1005-101
רם, י., וגלילי, י. (2009). להיות או לחדול: תרבות הגוף הציונית והספרות העברית בתחילת המאה העשרים. סוגיות חברתיות בישראל, 8, 32 – 50.
(Lidor, R., & Fejgin, N. (2009). "Does sport build character?" – The contribution of sport to the development of student-athletes in Israeli schools. Social Issues in Israel, 8, 51-69. (Hebrew
Levy, M. & Galily, Y. (2009). Just for sport!? Sports, gambling & politics in Israel. International Journal of the History of Sport, 26(1), 86-102
Galily, Y. (2009). The contribution of the Maccabiah games to the development of sport in the state of Israel. Sport in Society, 12(8), 1020-1029