Losses incurred by businesses and commercial enterprises reduce their level of competitiveness and directly affect their bottom line.
Losses result from a variety of causes. In the retail industry, for example, internal theft and fraud produce a sizable share of the losses (by most accounts – the largest share), with other factors including customer theft, supplier fraud and process failure. These, together, reduce profits and prevent the organization from achieving its goals and prospering.
It is therefore essential for businesses to first identify the factors contributing to losses, and subsequently to take effective steps to address them.
Within the framework of the course, we will detail the areas of greatest risk in different types of organizations and businesses and present the basic principles that will produce loss reduction and enhance the level of control.
- To present the causes of losses in organizations / businesses
- To present the methods that may be employed to prevent the losses
- To describe the practical tools that executives can use to reduce losses
- To describe how to establish an effective internal information system that will expose irregularities and facilitate management
Course scope
40 - 60 study hours
Main topics
- Loss prevention – explanation of the term, general data, areas of risk in an organization / business
- The inherent deficiencies in loss prevention
- Various loss prevention models – security-based, integrated
- Business insight – an integrated information system for effective management and exposure of irregularities
- Methods for preventing losses – technological, physical
- The human aspect in loss prevention
- The legal aspect in loss prevention
- Practical implementation of the principles learned with respect to each position holder and executive
Target population
- Senior executives in organizations and commercial enterprises
- Chief financial officers and other senior members of the financial team
- Executives in organizations' and companies' headquarters security units
- Senior security officers