The economy turns the wheels of human culture; business is the main mover of the economy; and in the world of business – information is power.
Information warfare is based on demanding that the organization safeguard its information assets, prevent their theft or damage, and their transfer to unauthorized parties or elements who may misuse them.
The course provides the participants with tools enabling them to cope with threats originating in their external environment, aimed at harming the organization's information assets.
- To present the threats aimed at the organization's information assets and data bases
- To review the tools, methods and means employed in information security
Course duration:
50 - 110 study hours
Main Topics:
- The intelligence process – mapping information, assessing and determining information needs, sources of intelligence, information management and information dissemination
- Methods of collecting and processing information
- Cyber security
- Intelligence SWOT analysis
- Business insight – an integrated information system for effective information management
- Threats and responses in the area of information security
- Information security – the human aspect
- Technologies in information warfare
Target population:
- IT managers in organizations and commercial enterprises
- Executives in security units of organizations and companies
- Senior security officers