חיפוש סגור

| | 28/02/2019



Since the 1960s, civil aviation has been a strategic target for terrorist organization operations.
In addition to preparing for the relatively high level threat it entails, aviation security also requires professionalism and great sensitivity. An international airport is a public facility that serves tens of thousands of passengers each day and offers a broad variety of dynamic activities carried out in a civilian environment and according to precise and binding time tables. Airlines are committed to providing quality service to their customers, including on time service and operational efficiency.

The aim of the security system is to allow the airport and airliners to maintain their daily activity routine, to transport passengers and cargo to their destinations and to provide their customers with the highest level of service. 

Skillfully executed and managed security, tailored to the special needs of a civilian airport and airline, will ensure effective utilization of resources and budgets and fit in optimally with the daily activities of both airport and airlines.

A Seminar for Senior Civilian Security Managers will provide participants with the tools for planning and coordinating staff work, managing and overseeing aviation security systems.

Course Objectives:

  • To train participants to evaluate situations and analyze risks
  • To train participants to plan, set up and constantly improve the security system
  • To train participants to manage and oversee a complex security system and to take command of security operations and routines
  • To train participants to manage security systems in large or multi-campus companies or organizations
  • To certify course graduates as senior security managers

Main Topics:

  • World terror – the background and manner in which terror developed as a tool for attaining political ends
  • The enemy – terrorist organizations – characteristics and modes of operation
  • Survey of and lessons learned from civilian aviation terror attacks
  • Aviation security – theories, methods, personnel and means
  • Technologies in aviation security
  • Risk analysis and situation evaluation
  • Planning and establishing a security system
  • Operational planning – field file, operational orders, routine and emergency procedures, incidents and responses
  • The operational work of the security person
  • Physical security of the airport
  • Handling passenger security
  • Handling commercial cargo security
  • Aircraft security
  • Security manager interactions
  • Ethics and values in security
  • Teaching methods
  • The course combines lectures, tours, workshops, exercises, discussions and case studies of prominent events of the past


Course duration:

Option 1 – Full course – 100 hours

Option 2 – Inservice course for managers and commanders – 50 hours


Target population:

  • Security managers and managers of airport and airline security departments
  • Commanders and officers of airport police forces
  • Senior managers and personnel of security companies
  • Candidates for senior management positions or security staff positions
  • Candidates for the post of airport or airline security officer
  • Individuals wishing to submit their candidacy for the above positions



The course will be conducted at the Homeland Security Academy at the Wingate College.


 is possible to arrange for the course to be given in the customer's country and facility 

Lecturers and Staff – see list of lecturers

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