חיפוש סגור

| | 28/02/2019

Security Supervisors - Command and Control Course

Course Description and or rational:

Skillfully managed and implemented security is adapted to the nature, characteristics and the needs of the enterprise being protected, while blending optimally in the routine activities of the organization.
This course will train the participants to command and control on the security system and layouts.    

goals of the course:

  • To train the participant to command over routine security activities and operations.
  • To teach the various fields of critical infrastructure security:
  • Security Technologies - the choice and use
  • Executives security in routine and travel
  • Events security 
  • Access control 
  • Patrol and quick response
  • To teach the participant operational activity in both routine and emergency situations.
  • To teach the participant to make decisions in uncertain and stressful situations.
  • To certify the course graduate as a Security Supervisors.


Course content:

  • World terrorism – background, and use of terror as a tool to attain political goals
  • The enemy – terror organizations around the world – characteristics and modes of operation
  • Theory of security – theories, methods, personnel and means
  • Risk analysis
  • Designing and establishing a security leyout
  • Operational planning – operational directives, routine and emergency procedures
  • The operational activity of the security agent
  • Fundamentals of data protection
  • Employee reliability and integrity
  • Interrelationships of the security manager
  • Ethics and values within the framework of security activities
  • Workshops in decision making, time management and instructing employees
  • Coping with stressful situations
  • Planning and managing security budgets
  • Directing and overseeing security layouts


Course Duration:

100 studying hrs. = 10 training days.

Target Population:

Security Officers, Legal Official Commanders etc.

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