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בעמוד זה ניתן לצפות בפרסומי חוקרי המכללה בנושא פעילות גופנית מותאמת לחץ על הקישור בתחתית כל מקור על מנת לצפות בתקציר.
Harries, N. Loeppky, J. A., Shaheen, S., Al-Jarrah, M., Molteni, F., Hutzle, Y., & Bar
Haim, S. (2015). A stair-climbing test for measuring mechanical efficiency of ambulation in adults with chronic stroke. Disability and Rehabilitation, (37(11) 1004-1008.
Modai, G., Barak, S. Bar-Haim, S., & Hutzler, Y. (2015). Stair Climbing Test post-stroke: Feasibility, convergent validity and metabolic, cardiac and respiratory responses. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 22(4), 281-288.
Barak S, Hutzler Y, Dubnov-Raz G. (2014). [Physical exercise for people with cerebral palsy: effects, recommendations and barrie. Harefuah,153(5).:266-272, 305. in Hebrew.
Hutzler, Y. (2014). Reporting guidelines. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 31(4): 307-309. [Editorial].
Barak S., Hutzler , Y., & Dubnov-Raz, G, Achiron A. Physical Exercise for People with Multiple Sclerosis: Effects, Recommendations and Barriers. Accepted for publication in Harefuah, 2014. in Hebrew.
Hutzler, Y., Oz, M., & Barak, S. (in Print). Goal Perspectives and Sport Participation Motivation of Special Olympians and Typically Developing Athletes. Research in Developmental Disabilities.
(Hutzler, Y., Chacham, A., & Reiter, S. (2013). Psycho-social Development of Participants with Disability throughout a Reverse-Integrated Wheelchair Basketball Program. PALAESTRA, 27 (3
Block, M., Hutzler, Y., Klavina, A., & Barak, S. (2013). Creation and validation of the situational-specific self-efficacy scale. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 29, 184-205.
Bar-Haim, S., Harries. N., Hutzler, Y., Belokopytov, M., & Dobrov, Y. (2013). Training to walk amid uncertainty with Re-Step: measurements and changes with perturbation training for hemiparesis and cerebral palsy.
Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology. Posted online on January 16, 2013. (doi:10.3109/17483107.2012.754954).
Baran, F., Özer, D., Aktop, A., Nalbant, S., Ağlamış, E., Barak, S. Hutzler, Y. (2013; In press). The Effects of a Special Olympics Unified Sports soccer training program on anthropometry, physical fitness and skilled performace in Special Olympics soccer athletes and non-disabled Partners. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34(1):695-709. doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2012.10.003
Hutzler, Y., Chacham-Guber, A., & Reiter, S. (2013). Psychosocial Effects of Reverse-Integrated Basketball Activity Compared to Separate and No Physical Activity in Young People with Physical Disability. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34(1), 579-87. doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2012.09.010.
Hutzler, Y., & Bar-Eli, M. (2013). How to Cope with Bias while Adapting for Inclusion in Physical Education and Sports: A Judgment and Decision Making Perspective. Quest. 65(1), 57-71.
Y. Meckel, D. Nemet, A. Eliakim. The effect of methylphenidate treatment on exercise performance in children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Acta Kinesiologiae Universitatis Tartuensis Vol.16, pp. 17-22, 2012.
D . Nemet, D. Geva, Y. Meckel, A. Eliakim. Health related knowledge and preferences in low socio-economic kindergarteners. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. Vol 9, pp. 1-9, 2012
Fliess-Douer O, Vanlandewijck YC, van der Woude LH, (2012).Reliability and validity of perceived “self-efficacy in wheeled mobility” scale among elite wheelchair-dependent athletes with a spinal cord injury. Disabil Rehabil; ISSN 0963-8288 print/ISSN 1464-5165 online.
Fliess-Douer O, Vanlandewijck YC, van der Woude LH (2012). Most essential wheeled mobility skills for daily life: An international survey among Paralympic wheelchair athletes with SCI. Arch Phys Med Rehabil; 98: 629-635.
Fliess-Douer O, van der Woude LH, Vanlandewijck, YC, (2012). Test of Wheeled Mobility (TOWM) and a short Wheelie test: A feasibility and validity study. Clin Rehabil; In press.
Fliess-Douer O, van der Woude LH, Vanlandewijck YC, (2012). Reliability of the Test of Wheeled Mobility (TOWM) and the short Wheelie test. Arch Phys Med Rehabil; In press.
Özer, D., Nablant, S., Aǧlamis, E., Baran, F., Kaya Samut, P., Aktop, A., & Hutzler, Y. (2012). The impact of time in service, gender, and previous acquaintance. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2788.2012.01596.x.
Berzen, J., & Hutzler, Y. (2012). Evaluating performance progression in Wheelchair Rugby. European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity. 5, 1, 7-16.
Shemesh, R., & Hutzler, Y. (2012). Task and ego orientation in sport, family support, and self-efficacy in wheelchair and non-adapted basketball players. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 46(2), 73-87.
Getz, M., Hutzler, Y., Vermeer, A., Yarom, Y., & Unnithan, V. (2012). The effect of aquatic and land-based training on the metabolic cost of walking and motor performance in children with cerebral palsy: A pilot study. International Scholarly Research Network ISRN Rehabilitation, ID 657979, 8 pages doi:10.5402/2012/657979 (Open access).
Baran, F., Özer, D., Aktop, A., Nablant, S., Top, E., & Hutzler, Y.(2012). Effects of a Special Olympics Unified Sports Soccer Program on Psycho-social Attributes of Youth With and Without Intellectual Disability. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 33, 229-239. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ridd.2011.09.011
Adi-Japha, E., Fox, O., & Karni, A. (2011). Atypical acquisition and atypical expression of memory consolidation gains in a motor skill in young female adults with ADHD. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32, 1011-1020.
Aktop, A., D., Özer, D., & Hutzler, Y. (2011). Validity and reliability of a Turkish version of the Friendship Activity Scale. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 26(4), 523-530.
Aviram, R., Belokopytov, M., Ben-Chaim, S., & Rotstein, A. (2011). Evaluation of energy expenditure in children with cerebral palsy using a multi-sensor accelerometer. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 51(3), 506-514.
Hutzler, Y. (2011). Evidence-based practice and research: Challenge to the development of adapted physical activity. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 28, 189-209.
Hutzler, Y., & Bergman, U. (2011). Facilitators and barriers to articipation while pursuing an athletic career: Retrospective Accounts of Swimmers with Disabilities. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 44, 1-6.
Hutzler, Y., Chacham-Guber, A., Gindi, S.; Voge, G., & Hayush, T. (2011). A feasibility study of maintaining a reverse inclusive basketball activity, Palaestra, 25(3), 5-8.
Reina, R., López, V., Jiménez, M., & Hutzler, Y. (2011). Effects of awareness interventions on children’s attitudes toward peers with a visual impairment. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 34, 243-248.
Saichon, K., Breen, S., Jakeman, P., Conway, J., & Hutzler, Y. (2011). Soccer-specific endurance and running economy in soccer players with cerebral palsy. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 28, 189-209.
אלמוסני, י. (2010). הפעילות הגופנית בשעות הפנאי כאמצעי לשיפור עצמאותם האישית של נערים עם לקות אינטלקטואלית. בתנועה, 9, 20-1.
Eldar, E., Talmor, R., & Wolf-Zukerman, T. (2010). Successes and difficulties in the individual inclusion of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the eyes of their Coordinators. The International Journal of Inclusive Education, 14, 97-114.
Hutzler, Y. (2010). Motivational correlates of persons with intellectual disability: A systematic literature review. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 54, 767-786.2009
Fliess-Douer O, Vanlandewijck, YC, Lubel Manor G, van der Woude LH. (2010). A systematic review of wheelchair skills tests for manual wheelchair users with a spinal cord injury: Towards a standardized outcome measure, Clin Rehabil; 24: 867–886.
אלמוסני, י. (2009). התאמת סגנונות הוראה ליחידות בחינוך הגופני על פי תרומתם לממדי איכות חיים בקרב צעירים וצעירות עם לקות אינטלקטואלית. בתנועה,9, 187-216.
Brittain, I., & Hutzler, Y. (2009). A socio-historical perspective on the development in Israel of sports for persons with a physical disability. Sport in Society, 12, 1067-1080.
Eldar, E., Talmor, R., & Dayan Romem, Z. (2009). An integrative model for including children with ASD in general education setting- a practical lesson in Israel. International Journal of Special Education, 24, 66-76.
Hutzler, Y., & Margalit, M. (2009). Skill acquisition in students with and without Pervasive Developmental Disorder. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 3, 685-694.