| | 16/02/2019
זך, סימה
פרופ' זך היא ראש בית הספר לחינוך וראש ההכשרה להוראה לשעבר במרכז האקדמי לוינסקי-וינגייט (קמפוס וינגייט). היא בוגרת הקמפוס ומרצה בה מאז 1984. התואר השלישי בתחום הפסיכולוגיה של הספורט הוענק לה מאוניברסיטת טמפל אשר בפילדלפיה, ארה"ב. תחומי העניין שלה במחקר הם פסיכולוגיה של הספורט, פסיכולוגיה של הפעילות הגופנית בשעות הפנאי, ופסיכולוגיה של החינוך הגופני.
Zach, S. (2010). Reviews in Sport Psychology (Hebrew) . Tel Aviv: Asif. Book was reviewed by Prof. Michael Bar-Eli.
פרקים נבחרים בספרים
Zach, S., & Wahrman, H. (2014, in press). Civic service of Arab young women: The case of "Mifalot". In Leitner, M. J. & Leitner, S. F. (Eds.), Israeli life and leisure in the 21stcentury. Urbana, IL: Sagamore Publishing
Lissitsa, S., Zach, S. & Galily, Y. (2014, in press). Trends in leisure time physical activity among Jewish Israelis, 2007-2012. In Leitner, M. J. & Leitner, S. F. (Eds.), Israeli life and leisure in the 21st century. Urbana, IL: Sagamore Publishing
Zach, S., Betzer-Tayar, M., & Nir-Toor, S. (2014, in press). Women and Israeli sport organizations. In Leitner, M. J. & Leitner, S. F. (Eds.), Israeli life and leisure in the 21st century. Urbana, IL: Sagamore Publishing
Zach, S., Bar-Eli, M., Morris, T., & Moore, M. (in press). Measuring motivation for physical activity: An exploratory study of PALMS – The physical activity and leisure motivation scale. In R. Schinke (Ed.), Athletic Insight. NY: Nova Publishers.
This chapter was chosen by the Editor of the journal Athletic Insight to be included in the annual book edited from selected best articles (see article No. 17 in this list).
Zach, S., & Cohen, R. (2012). Assimilating CL teaching model in PE teacher education –Importance, difficulties, and opportunities. In B. Dyson & C. Ashley (Eds.). Cooperative learning in physical education: A research based approach (pp. 88-99). London, UK: Routledge.
Zach, S., Sivan, T., Harari, I., Stein, H., & Nabel-Heller, N. (in press). Success as a springboard for novice physical education teachers in their efforts to develop a professional career. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education
(Inglis, V., Zach, S., & Kaniel, S. (2014). Humor creator and the audience – A Multi-dimensional model supported by in-vivo methodology. American Journal of Educational Research, 2(7
זך, ס., בר-אלי, מ., וסימון, ש. (בדפוס). "עזר כנגדו"? – תפישת התפקיד של נשות פוליטיקאים בכירים בישראל. סוגיות חברתיות בישראל
גלילי, י', ליסיצה, ס' וזך, ס' (בדפוס). הפער בין הידע לבין יישומו – כיצד מסבירים ישראלים מדוע אינם עוסקים בפעילות גופנית. סוגיות חברתיות בישראל
Zach, S., Lissitsa, S., & Galiliy, Y. (In press). The Gap between Knowledge and the Ability to Apply It – Six Years, and Nothing about Israeli Adults' Physical Activity has changed. Israel Affirs
Zach, S., & Netz, Y. (in press). Self-presentation concerns and physical activity in three-generation families. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal
Zach, S., & Inglis, V. (2013). Physical education teachers and their attitudes toward change: Implementation of the New Horizon educational reform. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 32, 355-374
Zach, S., & Inglis, V. (In press). Physical education teachers and their attitudes toward change: Implementation of the New Horizon educational reform. Iyunim BeMinhal UbeIrgun Hachinuch. (Hebrew
Dunsky, A., Zach, S., Zeev, A., Goldsmith, R., Shimony, T., Goldbourt, U., & Netz, Y. (2013). Level of physical activity and anthropometric characteristics in old age – results from a national health survey (Submitted for publication to IMAG).
Netz, Y., Dunsky, A., Zach, S., Goldsmith, R., Shimony, T., Goldbourt, U., & Zeev, A., (2013). Psychological functioning and adherence to the recommended dose of physical activity in later life – Results from a national health survey. International Psychogeriatrics. DOI:10.1017/S1041610212001299.
Zach, S., Zeev, A., Dunsky, A., Goldbourt, U., Shimony, T., Goldsmith, R., & Netz, Y. (2013). Perceived body size vs. healthy body size, and physical activity habits among adolescents – Results of a national survey. European Journal of Sport Science. DOI: 10.1080/17461391.2013.771382
Simon, S., Zach, S., Oglesby, C., & Bar-Eli, M. (2012). Role perceptions of senior politicians’ wives in Israel. Journal of Sociology, 48(2), 187-205.
Zach, S., Harari, I., & Harari, N. (2012). Changes in teaching efficacy of pre-service teachers in physical education. Physical Education & Sport Pedagogy, 17(5), 447-462.
Zach, S., Bar-Eli, M., Morris, T., & Moore, M. (2012). Measuring motivation for physical activity: An exploratory study of PALMS – The physical activity and leisure motivation scale. Athletic Insight, 4(2), 141-155.
This article was chosen by the Editor of Athletic Insight journal to be included in the annual book edited from selected best articles.
Cohen, R., & Zach, S. (2012). Building pre-service teaching efficacy: A comparison of instructional models. Physical Education & Sport Pedagogy. DOI: 10.1080/17408989.2012.690374
Zach, S., Zeev, A., Dunsky, A., Goldbourt, U., Shimony, T., Goldsmith, R., & Netz, Y. (2012). Adolescents' physical activity habits – results from a national health survey. Child: Care, Health, & Development. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2214.2012.01392.x
Dunsky, A., Zach, S., Zeev, A., Goldbourt, U., Shimony, T., Goldsmith, R., & Netz, Y. (2012). Prediction of standing height among older adults –Results from a national survey. Annals of Human Biology. Early Online: 1–6. DOI: 10.3109/03014460.2012.718795.
Zach, S., & Cohen, R. (2012). Collaborative learning in Physical Education – Review of the literature. Bitnuah, 9(3-4), 255-279. (Hebrew).
Morgolev, I., Zach, S. & Galily, Y. (2012). The Linkage between Physical Activity and GDP. Movement – Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences. 10 (2). 236-250 [Hebrew].
Zach, S., & Bonen, Y. (2011). Self-perception of ability compared to evaluation of others' ability among young basketball players. Applied Research in Coaching and Athletics Annual, 26, 149-177.
Blumenstein, B.,Yacobovitz-Balva,Y., & Zach, S. (2009). Psychological methods of performance enhancement in modern rhythmic gymnastics (Psychologische methoden der leistungssteigerung in der rhythmischen sportgymnastik), Leistungssport, 5, 44-47.
Netz, Y., Zach, S., Taffe, J. R., Guthrie, J., & Dennerstein, L. (2008). Habitual physical activity is a meaningful predictor of well-being in mid-life women – a longitudinal analysis. Climacteric, 11, 337-344.
Zach, S., Raviv, S., & Inbar, R. (2007). The benefits of a graduated training program for security officers on physical performance in stressful situations. International Journal of Stress Management, 14(4), 350-369.
Blumenstein, B., Yacobovitz-Balva, Y., & Zach, S. (2007). Psychological skills training: Application and integration in coaching. Leistungssport, 37, 25-30.
Zach, S., & Netz, Y. (2007). Like mother like child: Three generations of exercise behavior patterns. Families, Systems & Health, 25, 419-434.
Marsh, H., Bar-Eli, M., Zach, S., & Richards, G., (2006). Construct validation of Hebrew versions of three physical self-concept measures: An extended multitrait-multimethod analysis. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 28(3), 310-343.
Hutzler, S., Gafni, O., & Zach, S. (2005). Attitudes to integrating children with special needs and feelings of self-competency in integrated physical activity among preservice Physical Education teachers. Dapim, 39, 35-65. (Hebrew).
Zach, S., Galmor, H., & Ze’ev, A. (2005). Professional educational credo of preservice and inservice physical education teachers. Dapim, 40, 59-89. (Hebrew).
Hutzler, Y., Zach, S., & Gafni, O. (2005). Physical education students' attitudes and self-efficacy towards the participation of children with special needs in regular classes. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 20(3), 309-327.
Netz, Y., Zach, S., Dennerstein, L. & Guthrie, J. (2005). The menopausal transition – Does it induce women's worries about aging? Climacteric – The Journal of the International Menopause Society, 8, (4), 333-341.
השתתפות בכנסים
Shoval, E., Zach, S., & Lidor, R. (2014). Physical education and academic achievement – Literature review 1997-2013. AIESEP World Congress, 10-13 February 2014, Auckland, New Zealand
Netz, Y., Dunsky, A., Zach, S., Goldsmith, R., Shimony, T., Goldbourt, U., & Zeev, A., (2013). Psychological functioning and adherence to the recommended dose of physical activity in later life – Results from a national health survey. The bi-annual conference of the Israeli Gerontology Association. An old age in a world getting older. January 20-21, 2014. Tel-Aviv.
Zach, S., Inglis, V., Fox, O., & Berger, I. (2013). Orienteering in early childhood – Development of spatial perception and attention .Presented at ECER 2013 – European Conference on Educational Research, September 11-15, Istanbul, Turkey.
Zach, S., Inglis, V. (2013). Physical education teachers and their attitudes towards change: Implementation of educational reform. Presented at ECER 2013 – European Conference on Educational Research, September 11-15, Istanbul, Turkey.
Zach, S., Inglis, V., Fox, O., & Berger, I. (2013). Orienteering in early childhood
Development of spatial perception and attention. Presented at The ISSP 13th world congress of sport psychology. Beijing, 21-25 July, China, 2013.
Inglis. V., & Zach, S. (2013). Physical education teachers and their attitudes towards
change: Implementation of the New Horizon educational reform. Presented at the 6th International Conference on Teacher Education: Changing Reality Through Education. , The MOFET Institute, Tel-Aviv, 2-4 June, 2013
Wahrman, H., & Zach, S. (2013). Tower of Babylon – A case study of conceptual gaps amongst the staff of an educational project. Presented at the 17th IAPESGW Congress, Cuba, April 10-13
Wahrman, H., & Zach, S. (2013). Tower of Babylon – A case study of conceptual gaps amongst the staff of an educational project. Presented at the 14th Annual Scientific Conference. Oranim, January 31, 2013.
Zach, S., & Inglis, V. (2012). Physical education teachers and their attitudes towards change: Implementation of the New Horizon educational reform. Presented at the international conference: 100 Years of Research, Innovation and Discourse in Education, Teacher Education and Music Education. Tel Aviv, Israel. December 10-11, 2012.
Zach, S., & Inglis, V. (2012). Psycho-social aspects of rehabilitation from sport injuries: A systematic review. Presented at the 2nd Wingate Congress, Netanya, March 15-18, 2012.
Zach, S., Harari, I., Stein, H., Nabel, N., & Sivan, T. (2012). Success as a springboard for career development of beginning teachers in physical education. Presented at the 2ndWingate Congress, Netanya, March 15-18, 2012.
Zach, S., & Inglis, V. (2012). Modes of implementation of the “Ofek Hadash” reform among physical education teachers and their attitudes to change. Presented at the 2ndWingate Congress, Netanya, March 15-18, 2012.
Zach, S. (2012). Motivational climate in physical education (Workshop). 2nd Wingate Congress, Netanya, March 15-18, 2012.
Zach, S. (2011). Working with diverse clients: The case of a goalie. Presented at the Association for Applied Sport Psychology Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, September 22nd, 2011.
Zach, S., & Cohen, R. (2011). Building pre-service teaching efficacy: A comparison of instructional models. Presented at the AIESEP International World Congress. Limerick, Ireland, June 22-25, 2011.
Inglis, V., Kaniel, S., & Zach, S. (2011). Humor creation in teaching – Re-evaluation of the multidimensional theory for humor creation. Presented at the International Society for Humor Studies Conference. Boston, U.S.A. July, 5-9, 2011.
Zach, S., & Cohen, R. (2010). Building pre-service teaching efficacy: A comparison of instructional models. Presented at the 7th International Conference of Cooperative Physical Activities and Methods. Valladolid, Spain. July, 2010.
Zach, S., Dunsky, A., Zeev, A., Goldbourt, U., Shimony, T., Goldsmith, R., & Netz, Y. (2010). Israeli adolescents are not doing enough physical activity. Presented at the Wingate 2010 Congress for Sport & Exercise Sciences, Israel. June 3-6, 2010.
Zeev, A., Goldsmith, R., Shimony, T., Zach, S., Dunsky, A., Goldbourt, U., & Netz, Y. (2010). Adherence to physical activity recommendations among Israelis aged 25-64 – Results from the Mabat National Health and Nutrition Survey. Presented at the Wingate 2010 Congress for Sport & Exercise Sciences, Israel. June 3-6, 2010.
Dunsky, A., Zach, S., Zeev, A., Goldbourt, U., Shimony, T., Goldsmith, R., & Netz, Y. (2010). Level of physical activity and body composition in old age – Results from the Israel National health and Nutrition Survey – Mabat Zahav. Presented at the Wingate 2010 Congress for Sport & Exercise Sciences, Israel. June 3-6, 2010.
Goldstein, E., Erlich, I., Stein, H., Harari, I., & Zach, S. (2010). Students' evaluation of their cooperating-teachers according to criteria designed by pedagogical instructors. Presented at the Wingate 2010 Congress for Sport & Exercise Sciences, Israel. June 3-6, 2010.
Blumenstein, B., Pilz-Burstein, R., Orbach, I., Zach, S., & Gircyte, I. (2010). The Israeli coach's self-evaluation: A comparative analysis. Presented at the Wingate 2010 Congress for Sport & Exercise Sciences, Israel. Poster Presentation. June 3-6, 2010.