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בעמוד זה ניתן לצפות בפרסומי חוקרי המכללה בנושא פעילות גופנית בגיל הזיקנה . לחץ על הקישור בתחתית כל מקור על מנת לצפות בתקציר.
Netz, Y., Dwolatzky, T., Khaskia, A., & Dunsky, A. Cardiovascular fitness and neurocognitive performance among older adults in the maintenance stage of cardiac rehabilitation Journal of Sports Science, in press
Dunsky, A., Zach, S., Zeev, A., Goldsmith, R., Shimony, T., Goldbourt, U., & Netz, Y. (2013). Level of physical activity and anthropometric characteristics in old age – results from a national health survey (Submitted for publication to IMAG).
Y. Netz A. Dunsky S. Zach R. Goldsmith T. Shimony U. Goldbourt A. Zeev Psychological functioning and adherence to the recommended dose of physical activity in later life: results from a national health survey. International Psychogeriatrics, 2012, doi:10.1017/S1041610212001299.
A. Dunsky S. Zach A. Zeev U. Goldbourt T. Shimony R. Goldsmith Y. Netz (corresponding author).Prediction of standing height among israeli older adults – Results from a national survey. Annals of Human Biology, 2012, Do: 10.3109/030 14460.20127 18795.
Y. Netz R. Goldsmith T. Shimony M. Arnon A. Zeev Loneliness is associated with an increased risk of sedentary life in older Israelis. Aging & Mental Health, 2012, doi:10.1080/13607863.2012.715140.
Dunsky, A., Ayalon, M., & Netz, Y. (2011). The Arm-curl Field Test for Older Women – Is it a Measure of Arm Strength. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 25, 193-197
Dunsky, A., & Netz, Y. (2011). Physical activity and sport in advanced age: Is it risky? – A summary of data from articles published in the last 10 years. Current Aging Science, 15
Levin, O., Cuyper, K., Netz, Y., Nuttin, B., & Meesen, L.R. (2011). Age related differences in human corticalspinal excitability during simple reaction time. Neuroscience Letters, 487(1), 53-57.
Netz, Y., Dwolatzky, T., Zinker, Y., Argov, E., & Agmon, R. (2011). Aerobic fitness and multidomain cognitive function in Advanced Age. International Psychogeriatrics, 23, 114-124.
Netz, Y., Goldsmith, R., Shimony, T., Ben-Moshe, Y., Zeev, A. (2011). Adherence to physical activity recommendations in older adults: an Israeli National Survey. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 19, 30-47.
Ziv, G., & Lidor, R. (2011). Music, exercise performance, and adherence in clinical populations and in the elderly: A review. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 5, 1-23.
דונסקי, א., ארגוב, א., מרם, ש., רפאלי, א., ונץ, י. (2010). גישה מכוונת-קהילה בהכנת מורים המתמחים בפעילות גופנית לגיל הזקנה. דפי יזמה, 6, 1-74.
Netz, Y. (2010). Disassociation between the facilitative effect of acute exercise on feelings and on cognitive flexibility. International Journal of Sport
Sagiv, M., Eynon, N., Yamin, C., Sagiv, M., & Alves, A, J. (2010). Effects of exercise and ACE on aortic stiffness in elderly. Archives of Exercise in Health and Disease, 1, 3-11.
Sagiv. M., & Goldhammer, Ehud., & Ben-Sira, D,. & Amir, R. (2010). Factors defining oxygen uptake at peak exercise in aged people. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity, 7, 1–2.
Eynon, N., & Yamin, C., & Ben-Sira, D., & Sagiv, M. (2009). Optimal health and function among the elderly: lessening severity of ADL disability. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity, 6, 55–61.
Mechling, H., & Netz, Y. (2009). Aging and inactivity – capitalizing on the protective effect f planned physical activity in old age. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity, 6, 89-97.
Netz, Y. (2009). Type of activity and fitness benefits as moderators of the effect of physical activity on affect in advanced age: A review. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity, 6, 19-27.
Netz, Y. (2009). Physical activity and cognitive functioning in advanced age. GeroBilim Journal on Social & Psychological Gerontology, 1, 87-102.
Netz, Y., Argov, E., & Inbar, O. (2009). Fitness moderates the facilitative effect of acute exercise on cognitive flexibility in older women. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 17, 1-14.