- אודות
- המסלול האקדמי
- לימודי תעודה
- מכינות
- רישום לתואר ראשון
בעמוד זה ניתן לצפות בפרסומי חוקרי המכללה בנושא סוגיות בחינוך ובחינוך גופני וספורט לחץ על הקישור בתחתית כל מקור על מנת לצפות בתקציר
Zach, S., & Yanowitz, E. (2015). Autonomy, choice, and pupils’ motivation – Are they really related? Advances in Physical Education, 5, 84-93.
Zach, S., Lissitsa, S., & Galiliy, Y. (In press). The gap between knowledge and the ability to apply it – Six years, and nothing about Israeli adults' physical activity has changed. Israel Affairs.
Zach, S., Stein, H., Sivan, T., Harari, I., & Nabel-Heller, N. (in press). Success as a springboard for novice physical education teachers in their efforts to develop a professional career. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education.
Zach, S., & Inglis, V. (2015). Physical education teachers and their attitudes toward change: Implementation of the New Horizon educational reform. Iyunim BeMinhal UbeIrgun Hachinuch, 35, 243-264. (Hebrew).
Zach, S., Yanowich, E., & Ben-dor, N. (2015). The link between autonomous choice and motivation for activity in physical education lessons among high school pupils. Bitnuah. 11(1), 491-507. (Hebrew).
Kayam, O. Hirsch, T. (2015). FLP- Family Language Policy. (120 pp.) [In English], (in press).
Kayam, O. (2015). Difficulties Linked to Hebrew Language among Immigrants in Israel. Journal of Literature and Art Studies. Volume 5, Issue 4, pp. 266-270.
Lidor, R., Feigin, N., Fresko, B., Talmor, R., & Kupermintz, H. (2015). The 2007 reform in teacher education programs in Israel: How did the academic colleges of education implement and perceive the reform? Dapim, 59, 45-78. (Hebrew).
Ashkenazi, Y., Cohen, Y., Arnon, M., Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2015). Measuring talent in female adolescent basketball players – Do objective tests and coaches’ subjective assessment have equal weight? Applied Research in Coaching and Athletics Annual, 30, 171-191.
Zach, S. (in press). Motivation for physical activity in physical education classes. In I. Harari and N. Harari (Eds.), Methods of teaching in physical education and sport.
Zach, S., & Nir-Toor, S. (in press). Making a difference for girls and women in sport and physical activity in Israel.
Inglis, V., Zach, S., & Kaniel, S. (2014). Humor creator and the audience – A Multi-dimensional model supported by in-vivo methodology. American Journal of Educational Research, 2(7), 503-512.
Kayam, O. (2014). Transformative Rhetoric- How Obama Became the New Face of America – A Linguistic Analysis. Journal of Language and Cultural Education. Volume 2, Issue 2, pp. 233-250.
Kayam, O. (2014). From the DNC to Normandy – Obama’s use of Narrative in Ten Speeches 2004-2014. Language and Communication Quarterly. Volume 3, issue 4, pp 153-164.
Kayam, O. (2014). Ethiopian Jewish Men: Language and Culture. European Journal of Business and Social Sciences vol. 3, Issue 5, pp 1-11.
Kayam, O., Hirsch, T. (2014). Socialization of Language through Family Language Policy- Case Study No. 1. Psychology of Language and Communication Journal. Volume 18, No 1. Pp 53-66.
Kayam, O., Galily, Y. (2014). Dry or Pictures? The Use of Figurative Language in Israeli Supreme Court Verdicts. Human Affairs. Vol. 24, Issue 2 pp. 269-280.
Kayam, O. (2014). The Second Generation –Heritage Language Maintenance – Native English Speakers Living in Israel- Case Study No. 3. Journal of Sociological Research. Vol. 5, Issue 1. pp. 18-23.
Kayam, O., Hirsch, T. (2014). Acculturative Experiences of the English-Speaking Immigrants and Repatriates in Israel. Issues in Social Science. Vol. 2, No 1. pp. 21-30.
Kayam, O., Galily, Y., Sover, A. (2014). Humor, Media and the Public Discourse: A Case Study of Humor and Politics. French Journal for Media Research. pp. 1-16.
Lidor, R., & Talmor, R. (2014). “Movement – Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences”: A bibliometric analysis and summary of the second decade and the beginning of the third decade. Movement – Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 4, 399-415. (Hebrew).
Nikolaidis, P,. Ziv, G., Lidor, R., & Arnon, M. (2014). Inter-individual variability in soccer players of different age groups playing different positions. Journal of Human kinetics, 40, 213-225.
Lidor, R., Hackfort, D., & Schack, T. (2014). Performance routines in sport – meaning and practice. In A. Papaioannou & D. Hackfort (Eds.), Routledge companion to sport and exercise psychology (pp. 480-494). London, UK: Routledge.
Zach, S., Sivan, T., Harari, I., Stein, H., & Nabel-Heller, N. (in press). Success as a springboard for novice physical education teachers in their efforts to develop a professional career. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education
(Inglis, V., Zach, S., & Kaniel, S. (2014). Humor creator and the audience – A Multi-dimensional model supported by in-vivo methodology. American Journal of Educational Research, 2(7
Zach, S., & Inglis, V. (2013). Physical education teachers and their attitudes toward change: Implementation of the New Horizon educational reform. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 32, 355-374
קיים, א' וסובר, א' (2013). הומור כאמצעי רטורי בשיח הציבורי ובנאומיו של ברק אובמה. 'הומור מקוון'- כתב עת מדעי לחקר ההומור, האגודה הישראלית לחקר ההומור, גיליון מספר 2, עמודים 60-43.
קיים, א'. (2013). "חשין נגד דורנר" שימוש ברטוריקה בפסקי הדין- ניתוח מקרה. עלי משפט. (התקבל לפירסום).
לידור, ר', טלמור, ר', פייגין, נ', פרסקו, ב' וקופרמינץ, ח' (התקבל לפרסום). התכנית "מתווים מנחים להכשרה להוראה במוסדות להשכלה גבוהה בישראל" בראי המלצות קודמות לרפורמות בימי היישוב ובשנות המדינה: ניתוח השוואתי. דפים,
Kayam,O, (2013) Heritage Language Maintenance among Native English Speakers Living in Israel. Journal of Sociological Research,Vol. 4, No.2
S. Zach A. Zeev A. Dunsky U. Goldbourt T. Shimony R. Goldsmith Y .Netz (corresponding author).Adolescents' physical activity habits – results from a national health survey, 2012, Child: Care, Health & evelopment. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2214 201201392x.
(Zach, S., & Inglis, V. (2013). Physical education teachers and their attitudes toward change: Implementation of the New Horizon educational reform. Iyunim BeMinhal UbeIrgun Hachinuch. (Hebrew
Kayam, O. Talmor, R. and Galily, Y.(2013). Preparation for Life? Ethiopian immigrant Students in A Matriculation Preparatory Program in Israel. Journal of Education and Culture. 2(1), pp 16-34
Galily, Y., Kayam, O. Bar-Eli, M, (2013), Effectiveness of Classification Measures in Predicting Achievement in the Israel Defence Forces- Fitness Instruction Trainers Courses as a Case Study. Sport Science Review. 5-6, pp. 145-172.
Kayam, O,. Hirsch, T. (2013). Israel's English Speaking Immigrant Parents' Family Language Policy Management: Language in the Education Domain. International Journal of Linguistics. 5(1) pp, 320-331
לידור, ר', פייגין, נ', טלמור, ר', הררי, י' ורם, י' (2012). "הבנת המשחק": חינוך גופני בעולם פוסט-מודרני. גילוי דעת, 2, 57-80.
Zach, S., Bar-Eli, M., Morris, T., & Moore, M. (2012). Measuring motivation for physical activity: An exploratory study of PALMS – The physical activity and leisure motivation scale. Athletic Insight, 4(2), 141-155
Kayam, O., (2012), The Rhetorical Structure of Argumentative Discourse as Expressed in Israeli Supreme Court Verdicts. Journal of Public Administration and Governance, Vol. 2 (4), pp.144-163
Kayam, O,. Hirsch T., (2012), Family Language Policy of the English Speaking Immigrant Community in Israel: Families with Young Children and their FLP Planning and Management, and Outcomes. International Journal of Linguistics .vol 4(4), pp. 622-635
Kayam, O., Glily, Y., (2012) The Road to Success: An examination of the emotive rhetorical devices app.earing in Barack Obama’s campaign speeches leading up to his inauguration. Language and Communication Quarterly. Vol 1(2), pp. 144-168
Kayam, O, Hirsch, T., (2012), Using Social Media Networks to Conduct Questionnaire Based Research in Social Studies Case Study: Family Language Policy. JSR– Journal of Sociological Research, Vol. 3, Issue 2, pp. 57-67.
Kayam, O, Hirsch T, Galily,Y., (2012), Linguistic Landscape:Investigation of Linguistic Representations of Case Study: Cape Town. International Journal of Linguistics,vol. 4, Issue 2, pp. 71-77
Kayam, O., Galily, Y., (2012) Freedom of Speech? Israeli Supreme Court Ruling 606/93 – Kidum Initiative Inc. versus the Israel Broadcasting Authority. A Rhetorical Language Analysis. Psychology of Language and Communication, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 67-78.
Kayam, O., Galily, Y., (2012) Rhetoric Reflected in Semitic Languages in Written Sport Commentary: A Comparative Study.Qualitative Sociology Review. Volume 4, Issue 2, Summer 2012
Talmor R., Kayam O., Shoval E., Galily Y.,(2012) Success IS a choice- Explaining Success in Academic Preparation Programs in Israel. Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology and Sociology.
טלמור, ר., וקיים, א. (2011). שינוי עמדות מורים כלפי תלמידים בעלי צרכים מיוחדים וכלפי שילובם בחינוך הרגיל-ממצאי מחקרים. סוגיות בחינוך המיוחד ובשיקום, 26(1), 21-34, אוניברסיטת חיפה.
Eldar, E., Ayvazo, S., Talmor, R., & Harari, I. (2011). Difficulties and success during induction of physical education teachers. International Journal of Physical Education, 1, 33-42.
Cohen, R., Goodway, J. D., & Lidor, R. (2011). The effectiveness of aligned developmental feedback on the overhead throw in third-grade students. Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, 17, 525-541
Pantanowitz, M., Lidor, R., Nemet, D., & Eliakim, A. (2011). The use of homework assignments in physical education among high school students. The ICHPER*SD Journal of Research, 1, 48-53.
Zach, S., Harari, i., & Harari, N. (2011). Changes in teaching efficacy of pre-service teachers in physical education. Physical Education & Sport Pedagogy, DOI:10.1080/17408989.2011.582491
זך, ס., וכהן, ר. (2010). למידה שיתופית בחינוך הגופני – סקירת ספרות. בתנועה, ט' (4-3), 279-255.פייגין, נ., טלמור, ר., אלדר, א. (2010).
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Eldar, E., & Elran, E. (2010). The effects of antecedent manipulation on misbehavior during a playground game. Journal of Behavioral Health and Medicine, 1, 53-63.2009
טלמור, ר., וקיים, א. (2009). עמדות של מתכשרים להוראה כלפי שילוב-סקירת ספרות. סוגיות בחינוך המיוחד ובשיקום, 5(2), 33-19, אוניברסיטת חיפה.
טלמור, ר., שרון, א., וקיים, א. (2009). עמדות מורים כלפי אוכלוסיות בעלות צרכים מיוחדים- המחקר הכמותי. סוגיות בחינוך מיוחד ובשיקום, 4(2), 2225-, אוניברסיטת חיפה.
טלמור, ר., שרון, א., וקיים, א. (2009). עמדות מורים כלפי תלמידים עם צרכים מיוחדים לעומת עמדותיהם כלפי תלמידים רגילים – המחקר האיכותי. סוגיות בחינוך המיוחד ובשיקום, 25(1), 40-25, אוניברסיטת חיפה.
Eldar, E., Ayvazo, S. (2009). Educating through the physical -rationale. Education and Treatment of Children, 13, 471-486.
Shoval, E., Talmor, R., & Kayam, O. (2009). The concept of coherency in teaching – Forging an idea from professional literature, a case analysis and a discussion with experts. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 24(2), 5-21.
Ram, I., Ayvazo, S. (2008-2009). Friendshield: Merely Dodgeball or a coed cooperative game with merit? Future focus. Ohio Journal of Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, xxix(1), 17 – 22.