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בעמוד זה ניתן לצפות בפרסומי חוקרי המכללה בנושא קינסיולוגיה וביומכניקה לחץ על הקישור בתחתית כל מקור על מנת לצפות בתקציר.
Steinberg N; Waddington G, Adams R, Karin J, Tirosh O. (2015). Can textured insoles improve ankle proprioception and performance in dancers? Journal of Sports Sciences. Nov 30:1-8. [Epub ahead of print].
Steinberg N, Waddington G, Adams R, Karin J, Tirosh O. (2015). The use of a textured insole to improve the association between postural balance and ankle discrimination in males and females young dancers.Medical Problems of Performing Artists. Dec;30(4):217-23.
Steinberg N; Eliakim A; Pantanowitz M; Kohen-Raz R; Zeev A;Monder H; Meckel Y; Eisenstein T; Nemet D. (2015). Postural stability following aerobic fatigue tests: A longitudinal study among young athletes. Journal of Motor Behavior. Oct 30. [Epub ahead of print].
Cale- Benzoor, M., Dickstein, R., Arnon, M. and Ayalon, M., (2015), Dynamic push- pull characteristics at three hand reach envelopes: Applications for the work place,
Appl Ergon. 2016 Jan;52:216-21. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2015.06.027. Epub 2015 Aug 6.
Hetsroni, I, Funk, S, Ben-Sira, D, Nyska, M., Palmanovich, E, Ayalon, M., (2015), Femoroacetabular impingement syndrome is associated with alterations in subtalar joint mechanics: a three-dimensional gait analysis study, Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2015 Aug 21
Dello Iacono, A., Padulo, J. and Ayalon, M., (2015), Core Stability Training on Lower Limb Balance Strength, J Sports Sci. 2015 Jul 15:1-8.
Steinberg N, Siev-Ner I, Zeev A, Dar G. The association between hallux valgus and proximal joint alignment in young female dancers Int J Sports Med. 2015 Jan; 36(1): 67-74.
Nili Steinberg; Gordon Waddington; Roger Adams; Janet Karin; Oren TiroshThe effect of textured ballet shoe insoles on ankle proprioception in dancers, Physical Therapy in Sports. Available online 30 April 2015
Steinberg, O. Tirosh, R. Adams, J. Karin, G. Waddington,Does Wearing Textured Insoles during Non-class Time Improve Proprioception in Professional Dancers? Int J Sports Med 2015; 36: 1–7.
Geffen, R., Dunsky, A., & Hutzler, Y. Balance training using an iPhone application in patients with familial dysautonomia: Three case reports. Physical Therapy,95: 380-388. doi: 10.2522/ptj.20130479.
Dunsky, A., & Ben-Sira, D. Do different warm-up protocols affect isometric explosive muscular contraction? Isokinetics and Exercise Science (accepted for publication October 2015.
Fabio De Siati, Guillaume Laffaye, Giorgio Gatta, Antonio Dello Iacono, Luca Paolo Ardigò, Johnny Padulo. Neuromuscular and technical abilities related to age in water-polo players. Journal of Sports Sciences. 11/2015; Accepted – In Press.
Cale'- Benzoor, M., Dickstein, R., Arnon, M. and Ayalon, M., (2014), Strength Enhancement with Limited Range Closed Kinetic Chain Isokinetic Exercise of the Upper Extremity. Isokinteics and Exercise Sciences, 22(1), 37-46.
Hetsroni. I., Ben Sira, D., Nyska, M., and Ayalon, M., (2014), Plantar pressure anomalies after open reduction with internal fixation of high-grade calcaneal fractures.Foot and ankle Int., 35(7):712-718.
Begg RK, Tirosh O, Said CM, Sparrow WA, Steinberg N, Levinger P, Galea MP.Gait training with real-time augmented toe-ground clearance information decreases tripping risk in older adults and a person with chronic stroke, Front Hum Neurosci. 2014 May 8;8:243.
Steinberg N; Nemet D; Pantanowitz M; Kohen-Raz R; Zeev A; Eliakim A. (2013). Posturography characteristics of obese children. Perceptual and Motor Skills; 116(2):564-80
Steinberg N; Aujla I; Zeev A; Redding E. (2013). Injuries among talented young dancers: Findings from the UK Centres for Advanced Training. International Journal of Sports Medicine; In Press
Steinberg N; Eliakim A; Pantanowitz M; Kohen-Raz R; Zeev A; Nemet D. (2013). The effect of a weight management program on postural balance in obese children. European Journal of Pediatrics; In Press.
Dunsky, A., Fishbein, P., & Hutzler, Y. Dual-task training using virtual reality compared to a conventional training method on a treadmill: Influence on indices of walking and balance in three post stroke survivors (Submitted for publication to International Journal of Therapies and Rehabilitation Research).
Dello Iacono A, Martrone D, Alfieri A, Ayalon M, Buono P., (2013), Short-term Core Stability Training Program (CSTP) effects on static and dynamic balance ability. Accepted for pulication in Gazzeta Medica italiana
Cale'- Benzoor, M., Dickstein, R., Arnon, M. and Ayalon, M., (2013), Strength Enhancement with Limited Range Closed Kinetic Chain Isokinetic Exercise of the Upper Extremity. Accepted for pulication in Isokinteics and Exercise Sciences.
Steinberg N; Finestone A; Noff M; Zeev A; Dar G. (2013). The relationships between lower extremity alignment and hallux valgus in women. Foot and ankle international; Epub ahead of print
Steinberg N; Hershkovitz I; Peleg S; Dar G; Masharawi Y; Zeev A; Siev-Ner I. (2012). Morphological characteristics of the young scoliotic dancer. Physical Therapy in Sport; Epub ahead of print
Steinberg N; Siev-Ner I; Dar G; Peleg S; Masharawi Y; Zeev A; Hershkovitz I. (2012). Joint range of motion and patellofemoral pain in dancers. International Journal of Sports Medicine; 33(7): 561-566
Hetsroni, I., Nyska, M., Ben-Sira, D., Arnson, Y., Buksbaum, H., Aliev, E., Mann, G., Massarwe, S., Rozenfeld, G., & Ayalon, M. (2011). Analysis of foot and ankle kinematics following operative reduction of high grade intra-articular fractures of the calcaneus, The Journal of Trauma, Injury, Infection and Critical Care, 70(5), 1234-1240.
Steinberg, N., Siev-Ner, I., Peleg, S., Dar, G., Masharawi, Y., Zeev, A., Hershkovitz, I. (2011). Injury patterns in young non-professional dancers. Journal of Sports Sciences, 29(1), 47-54.
Dar, G., Masharawi. Y., Peleg, S., Steinberg, N., May, H., Medlej, B., & Hershkovitz, I. (2010). Schmorl's nodes distribution in the human spine and its possible etiology. European Spine Journal, 19(4), 670-675.
Hetsroni, I., Nyska, M., Ben-Sira, D., Mann, G., Segal, O., Maoz, G., & Ayalon, M. (2010). Static and dynamic analysis of foot structure in athletes sustaining proximal fifth metatarsal stress fracture. Foot and Ankle International, 31(3), 203-211.
Masharawi, Y., Dar, G., Peleg, S., Steinberg, N., Medlej, B., May, H., Abbas, J., & Hershkovitz, I. (2010). A morphological Adaptation of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae to Lumbar hyperlordosis in young and adult females. European Spine Journal, 19(5), 768-773.
Dar, G., Peleg, S., Masharawi, Y., Steinberg, N., May, H., & Hershkovitz, I. (2009). Demographical aspects of Schmorl's nodes – a skeletal study. Spine, 34(9), E312-E315.
Peleg, S., Dar, G., Steinberg, N., Masharawi, Y., Been, E., Abbas, J., & Hershkovitz, I. (2009). Sacral orientation and spondylolysis. Spine, 34(25), E906-E910.