- אודות
- המסלול האקדמי
- לימודי תעודה
- מכינות
- רישום לתואר ראשון
You can apply to the The Academic College Levinsky-Wingate (Wingate Campus) as an exchange student for one or two semesters in case your home institution is a partner institution of the Wingate Campus. You should first apply through your home institution to be nominated to Erasmus.
STEP 1: Preparing your study plan
Discuss with your Departmental coordinator the course that you have to complete at Wingate Campus. You can check the list of available courses in English at our website. All study proposals must be filled in an official Learning Agreement form.
STEP 2: Application forms
After nomination, student should fill in and send the following documents:
The following mandatory documents must be attached to the application form:
STEP 3: Sending the application
The complete application with all necessary documents must be sent before established deadline to International Studies Office by email to sharonts@wincol.ac.il
The application deadlines:
The Autumn Semester
Non-EU Students: 1st May
The Spring Semester
Non-EU students: 1st November
STEP 4: Acceptance
You will be informed about the acceptance of your application only after we receive the documents as explained above.
For Contacts:
Dr. Sharon Tsuk