- אודות
- המסלול האקדמי
- לימודי תעודה
- מכינות
- רישום לתואר ראשון
Bachelor's Degree Courses (Fall and Spring Semester):
Courses are mainly practical. International students study with local Israeli students. Lessons are taught in integrated Hebrew and English.
Each course of 5 ECTs is 30 frontal hours, 2 hours a week, 15 weeks, 860 NIS
Each course of 5 ECTs in 30 frontal hours, 2 hours a week, 15 weeks, 710 NIS
Fall Semester, Wed. 8:15-9:45
Spring Semester, Sun 8:15-9:45/Sun 10:00-11:30
Fall Semester, Wed. 8:15-9:45
Spring Semester, Wed. 8:15-9:45
Fall Semester, Wed. 8:15-9:45
Spring Semester, Wed. 8:15-9:45
Fall Semester, Sun. 10:00-11:30
Spring Semester, Sun. 8:15-9:45
Fall Semester, Wed. 12:00-13:30 Spring Semester, Wed. 12:00-13:30
1. Perception and Skill Acquisition, Dr. Gal Ziv (5 ECTs)
Spring Semester (TBD)
2. Intercultural Communicative Competence through Sport, Dr. Devora Hellerstein (5 ECTs)
Fall Semester, Sunday (hours TBD)
Courses are mainly theoretical. International students study with local Israeli students. Lessons are taught in English.
M.Ed. Courses:
Physical Activity to Persons with Disability (online course), Prof. Shayke Hutzler (5 ECTs)
Fall Semester, Thurs (16:00-18:00)
Genetic Basis of Performance, Dr. Sigal Ben-Zaken (5 ECTs)
Fall Semester, Thurs (10:00-12:00)
Physiological Mechanisms of Hypertrophic Skeletal Muscles, Dr. Sharon Tsuk
Spring Semester, Thurs (12:00-14:00)
Biomechanical Aspects of Balance and Postural Control, Dr. Ayelet Dunsky
Spring Semester, Thurs (14:00-16:00)
(5 ECTs – 140 hours of practice; 10 ECTS – 280 hours of practice)
1) Hydrotherapy: Israel Sport Center for the Disabled, Ramat-Gan
2) Children with disability sport program: Israel Sport Center for the Disabled, Ramat-Gan
3) Assistant coaching in diverse sport branches (program is tailored according to students' interests)
4) Tailored practicums/research projects according to student interests