דילוג לתוכן המרכזי בעמוד

| | 16/02/2019

הוצלר, ישעיהו

פרופ' הוצלר רכש את השכלתו בתחום מדעי החינוך הגופני והספורט במרכז האקדמי לוינסקי-וינגייט ולאחר מכן בתואר שני ושלישי באוניברסיטת היידלברג בגרמניה. פרופ' הוצלר בעל מינוי בדרגת מרצה בכיר במרכז האקדמי לוינסקי-וינגייט וניהל את בית הספר ללימודים מתקדמים. כמו כן הוא מרצה בתחומי אבחון פסיכומוטורי, בקרה מוטורית, העצמה פסיכו-חברתית ופעילות גופנית מותאמת. בשנת 1987 הקים פרופ' הוצלר בקמפוס וינגייט את המגמה לחינוך גופני שיקומי ולספורט נכים, כדי להכשיר אנשי מקצוע להתאמת פעילות גופנית עבור בעלי נכויות גופנית ואחרות, וכן לשילוב בעלי צרכים מיוחדים במערכת החינוך והפנאי.

פרופ' הוצלר שימש כמרצה מן החוץ ופרופסור אורח בתוכניות אקדמיות שונות לרבות במכללת אריאל בחוג לפיזיותרפיה, באוניברסיטת תל אביב בלימודי התעודה ברפואת ספורט, בתוכנית האקדמית הבינלאומית  Erasmus Mundus המשותפת לאוניברסיטאות בבלגיה, צ'כיה, נורבגיה ואירלנד לתואר שני בפעילות גופנית מותאמת. כמו וכן משמש ד"ר הוצלר יועץ בכיר לפיתוח מודלים שונים של פעילות ושל הכשרה מקצועית עבור הביטוח הלאומי בישראל ובמסגרת תוכניות אירופאית לפעילות גופנית מותאמת בין היתר בבלגיה, בספרד ובטורקיה.

פרופ' הוצלר פרסם מעל 70 מאמרים בכתבי עת מדעיים בארץ ובעולם, ברובם בכתבי עת רפואיים בינלאומיים. כמו כן הוא פרסם מספר ספרים בעברית, הקים וערך אתרי אינטרנט מקצועיים, והיה שותף בכתיבת פרקים בספרי מחקר ועיון בינלאומיים בתחום הפעילות הגופנית המותאמת ובהם פרק בספר של הארגון הפרלימפי העולמי על אימון ספורטאים פרלימפיים. החל מנובמבר 2013 יכהן כעורך ראשי של כתב העת הבינלאומי לפעילות גופנית מותאמת Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly.

במהלך השנים פרופ' הוצלר עוסק בחתך רחב של אוכלוסיות עם מוגבלות לרבות מוגבלויות גופניות כגון נפגעי חוט שדרה, שיתוק מוחי, אירוע מוחי, מוגבלויות בבריאות הנפש, אוטיזם, מוגבלות אינטלקטואלית, וכן פיתח מודלים גנריים לפרקטיקה של התאמה בפעילות גופנית ושל יישום עדויות מחקריות במהלך תהליך קבלת החלטות מקצועי.

בתחום היישומי, פרופ' הוצלר פעיל שנים רבות במסגרת הייעוץ והפיתוח הארגוני במרכז הספורט לנכים ברמת גן, שם הקים פרויקטים רבים בתחום השירותים לאנשים עם מוגבלות, כגון (א) פעילות גופנית מכלילה (משולבת) של בני נוער עם מוגבלות בקהילה, (ב) מרכז ללמידה עצמית והעצמה שהפגיש מאות אנשי מקצוע ואלפי צעירים עם הקשיים ויכולות ההתמודדות של אנשים עם מוגבלות, ו(ג) את פרויקט הסל-גל במסגרתו הוקמו קבוצות כדור סל בכיסא גלגלים משותפות לבני נוער עם וללא מוגבלות.

פרופ' הוצלר היה מעורב בהקמה וניהול של ארגונים מקצועיים בארץ ובעולם. הוא שרת כיו"ר הראשון של  הארגון הישראלי לספורט טיפולי, ולאחר מהן בוועד המנהל של הארגון הישראלי להידרותרפיה. כמו כן הוא משרת מאז 1998 בוועד המנהל של הארגון הבינלאומי לפעילות גופנית מותאמת IFAPA, בין השנים 2007 – 2011 הוא כיהן כנשיא הארגון.

פרקים נבחרים בספרים

Hutzler, Y., & Oz, M. (Planned 2014). Special Olympics Athletes' Perspectives on their Motivation to Participation in Sports. In D. Hassan, S. Dowling, & S. Menke (Eds.). Sport and Intellectual Disability: An introduction. Oxford: Routetledge

Hutzler, Y. (2013). The Peace Wheels. In R. Shinke & R. Lidor (Eds.) Sport for Peace and Social Justice (pp. 201-208).Hauppauge,N.Y.: Nova Publications.

Hutzler, Y. & Sherrill, C. (2013). Adapted physical activity sciences. In J. Borms (Ed.). Directory of sport science 6th ed.Berlin,Germany: ICSSPE/CIEPSS.

Hutzler, Y. Hay-Sagiv, T., Ben-Ezer, I., & Dinold, M. (2012). Twinned wheelchair basketball schools for peace and inclusive education. In R. Lidor, K. H. Schneider, & K. Koenen (Eds.). Sport as a mediator between cultures (pp. 221-230).Berlin: International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education ICSSPE/CIEPSS.

(Hutzler Y. (2011). Adapted physical activity for persons with disability. In A. Ohry, A. Lazary, & R. Heruti (Eds.). Principles in rehabilitation medicine (555-569). Tel Aviv Dionon. (Heb

Hutzler, Y. Hay-Sagiv, T., Ben-Ezer, I., & Dinold, M. (2012). Twinned wheelchair basketball schools for peace and inclusive education. In R. Lidor, K. H. Schneider, & K. Koenen (Eds.). Sport as a mediator between cultures (pp. 221-230).Berlin: International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education ICSSPE/CIEPSS.


Hutzler, Y., Rodríguez, B. L.,; Mendoza Laiz, N., Díez, I., & Barak, S. (2013 – accepted for publication Sept. 10). The effects of an exercise training program on hand and wrist strength, and function, and activities of daily living. Research in Developmental Disabilities34, 12, 4343-4354. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ridd.2013.09.015

Dunsky, A., Fishbein, P., & Hutzler, Y. Dual-task training using virtual reality compared to a conventional training method on a treadmill: Influence on indices of walking and balance in three post stroke survivors (Submitted for publication to International Journal of Therapies and Rehabilitation Research).

 Hutzler, Y., Oz, M., & Barak, S. (in Print). Goal Perspectives and Sport Participation Motivation of Special Olympians and Typically Developing Athletes. Research in Developmental Disabilities

Hutzler, Y., Chacham, A., & Reiter, S. (2013). Psycho-social Development of Participants with Disability throughout a Reverse-Integrated Wheelchair Basketball Program. PALAESTRA, 27 (3

Block, M., Hutzler, Y., Klavina, A., & Barak, S. (2013). Creation and validation of the situational-specific self-efficacy scale. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly29, 184-205

Bar-Haim, S., Harries. N., Hutzler, Y., Belokopytov, M., & Dobrov, Y. (2013). Training to walk amid uncertainty with Re-Step: measurements and changes with perturbation training for hemiparesis and cerebral palsy. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology. Posted online on January 16, 2013. (doi:10.3109/17483107.2012.754954)

Baran, F.,  Özer, D., Aktop, A., Nalbant, S.,  Ağlamış, E., Barak, S. Hutzler, Y. (2013; In press). The Effects of a Special Olympics Unified Sports soccer training program on anthropometry, physical fitness and skilled performace in Special Olympics soccer athletes and non-disabled Partners. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34(1):695-709. doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2012.10.003

Hutzler, Y., Chacham-Guber, A., & Reiter, S. (2013). Psychosocial Effects of Reverse-Integrated Basketball Activity Compared to Separate and No Physical Activity in Young People with Physical Disability. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34(1), 579-87. doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2012.09.010.

Hutzler, Y., & Bar-Eli, M. (2013). How to Cope with Bias while Adapting for Inclusion in Physical Education and Sports: A Judgment and Decision Making Perspective. Quest65(1), 57-71

Özer, D., Nablant, S., Aǧlamis, E., Baran, F., Kaya Samut, P., Aktop, A., & Hutzler, Y. (2012). The impact of time in service, gender, and previous acquaintance. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2788.2012.01596.x.

Berzen, J., & Hutzler, Y. (2012). Evaluating performance progression in Wheelchair Rugby. European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity. 5, 1, 7-16.

Shemesh, R., & Hutzler, Y. (2012). Task and ego orientation in sport, family support, and self-efficacy in wheelchair and non-adapted basketball players. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 46(2), 73-87.

Getz, M., Hutzler, Y., Vermeer, A., Yarom, Y., & Unnithan, V. (2012). The effect of aquatic and land-based training on the metabolic cost of walking and motor performance in children with cerebral palsy: A pilot study. International Scholarly Research Network ISRN Rehabilitation, ID 657979, 8 pages doi:10.5402/2012/657979 (Open access).

Baran, F., Özer, D., Aktop, A., Nablant, S., Top, E., & Hutzler, Y.(2012). Effects of a Special Olympics Unified Sports Soccer Program on Psycho-social Attributes of Youth With and Without Intellectual Disability. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 33, 229-239. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ridd.2011.09.011

Kloyiam, S., Breen, S., Jakeman, P., & Conway, J., & Hutzler, Y. (2011). Soccer-Specific Endurance and Running Economy in Soccer Players with Cerebral Palsy. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 28, 189-209. PMid:21725114

Hutzler, Y., Chacham-Guber, A., Gindi, S.; Voge, G., & Hayush, T. (2011). A Feasibility Study of Maintaining a Reverse Inclusive Basketball Activity, PALAESTRA, 25, 3, 5-8.

Aktop, A., D., Özer, D. & Hutzler, Y. (2011). Validity and Reliability of a Turkish Version of the Friendship Activity Scale. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 26, 4, 523-530. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/08856257.2011.597176

Reina, R., López, V., Jiménez, M., & Hutzler, Y. (2011). Effects of Awareness Interventions on Children’s Attitudes toward Peers with a Visual Impairment. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 34, 243-248. http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/MRR.0b013e3283487f49 PMid:21694601.

Hutzler, Y. (2011). Evidence-Based Practice and Research: Challenge to the Development of Adapted Physical Activity. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 28, 189-209

Hutzler, Y., & Bergman, U. (2011). Facilitators and Barriers to Participation while Pursuing an Athletic Career: Retrospective Accounts of Swimmers with Disabilities. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 44, 1, 1-16

Hutzler, Y., and Korsensky, O. (2010). Motivational correlates of persons with intellectual disability: A systematic literature review. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 54, 767-786. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2788.2010.01313.x

Brittain, I., & Hutzler, Y. (2009). A socio-historical perspective on the development in Israelof sports for persons with a physical disability. Sport in Society, 12, 8, 1067-1080. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17430430903076365

Hutzler, Y. & Margalit, M. (2009). Skill acquisition in students with and without Pervasive Developmental Disorder. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 3, 685-694. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rasd.2009.01.011

Hutzler, Y. and Levi, I. (2008). Including children with a disability in physical education: General and specific attitudes of high-school students. European Journal of Adapted Physical Activity, 1, 2, 21-30.

Hutzler, Y. (2008). Ethical considerations in adapted physical activity practices. Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, 2, 2, 158-171. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17511320802222073

Vashdi, E., Hutzler, Y., and Roth, D. (2008). Compliance of Children with Moderate to Severe Intellectual Disability to Treadmill Walking: A Pilot Study. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 52, 5, 371-379. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2788.2007.01034.x

Hutzler, Y. (2007). A systematic ecological model for adapting physical activities: Theoretical foundations and practical examples. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 24. 4, 287-304. PMid:18042967

Weigenfeld-Lahav,I.,Hutzler, Y., Hadar-Frumer, M., & Roth, D. (2007). The effects of hydrotherapy on physical and psychological outcomes in participants after hip joint replacement: A pilot study. International Journal of Aquatic Research, 1. 311-321.

Hutzler, Y., Fliess-Douer, O., Avraham, A., Talmor, R., and Reiter, S. (2007). Effects of short-term awareness interventions on childrens’ attitudes toward peers with disability. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 30, 2 159-161. http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/MRR.0b013e32813a2eb6 PMid:17473628

Getz, M., Hutzler, Y, and Vermeer, A. (2007). The Effects of Aquatic Intervention on Perceived Physical Competence and Social Acceptance in Children with Cerebral Palsy. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 22, 2, 217-228. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/08856250701269705

Hutzler, Y., and Sherrill, C. (2007). Defining adapted physical activity: International perspectives. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 24, 1-20. PMid:17703059

Hutzler, Y. (2006). Evidence based research in adapted physical activity: Theoretical and data-based considerations. Revista da Sobama 11, 1, 13-24.

Getz,, M., Hutzler, Y. And Vermeer A. (2006). Relationship between aquatic independence and gross motor function in children with neuro-motor impairments. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 23. 4, 339-355 (Impact Factor~1.0)

Getz, M., Hutzler, Y. And Vermeer A. (2006). Effects of Aquatic Interventions in Children with Neuromotor Impairments: A Systematic Review of Literature. Clinical Rehabilitation, 2, 11, 927-936

Hutzler, S., Gafni, O., & Zach, S. (2005). Attitudes to integrating children with special needs and feelings of self-competency in integrated physical activity among preservice Physical Education teachers. Dapim, 39, 35-65. (Hebrew).

Gimeno, E.C., Hutzler, Y., Reina, R., Sanz Rivas, D., and Moreno Murcia, J.A. (2005). Goal orientations, contextual and situational motivational climate and competition goal involvement in Spanish athletes with cerebral palsy. Psycothema17. 4, 633-638.

Hutzler, Y., Zach, S., & Gafni, O. (2005). Physical education students' attitudes and self-efficacy towards the participation of children with special needs in regular classes. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 20(3), 309-327.



May 1-5, VISTA Congress of the Paralympic Scientific Committee in Bonn, Germany: Oral presentation: Reliability of Goal Perspectives and Sport Participation Motivation Questionnaires for Athletes with Intellectual Disabilities



September 17-21 Warsaw, Poland: Special Olympics University Summit. Invited presentation: Psycho-social Determinants and Outcomes of Physical Activity Participation in persons with Intellectual Disability

October 5-8 Elche, Spain: VI International Congress of the Spanish Sport Science Association. Invited presentation: Empowering pedagogy – Theory and Experiences from physical activities with persons who have physical and intellectual disabilities.

October 11-14 Channakkale, Turkey. National Congress on APA. Invited presentation: Rehabilitation effects of Adapted Physical Activity in Children and youth with Cerebral Palsy

April 11 Dana Hospital Tel-Aviv; 1st Dana Pediatric Sport Medicine Symposium. Invited presentation: The Young Athlete with Disability

July 4-8 Paris, 18th International Symposium on Adapted Physical Activity. Presentation: Development and Validation of a Self-Efficacy Instrument for Pre-service Physical Education Teachers

 September 15-17. Wingate Institute, Israel: International Conference on Sport for Development and Peace. Mini symposium: Twinned Wheelchair Basketball Schools for Peace and Inclusive Education.

 September, 19-20. Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda University Tamilnadu, India. Invited presentation: Empowering pedagogy – Theory and Experiences from physical activities with persons who have physical and intellectual disabilities.

Wingate Congress: Presentation: Can the Wii VR System be used as a Replacement for Treadmill Walking in Exercise Participants with Hemiplegia? A Pilot Study  Leading address at a symposium: Motivational aspects of sport participation in persons with intellectual disability.

NAFAPA – North American Federation of Adapted Physical Activity bi-anneal symposium in Birmingham Alabama Oct 10-12, 2012. Oral presentation: Goal perspectives and sport participation motivation of Special Olympians and typically developing athletes.


23-27 June, Gavle Sweden: 17th International Symposium on Adapted Physical Activity ISAPA 2009. Invited symposium on: Adapted physical activity and healthy lifestyle in participants with intellectual disability

September 15-16, A Coruña, Spain. Invited key note address: La práctica basada en la evidencia en actividad física y ejercisio.

May 6-8 Jyvaskyla Finland: Free communication. Reverse-Inclusive Wheelchair Basketball: Psycho-social effects compared to Exclusive sports and No Sport Activity

May 10 Erzurum Turkey: Invited lecture on Inclusive twin-wheelchair basketball: Accounts of a three-years project

June 5th Wingate Congress, Israel. Organizing and chairing a sub-section within the congress on "Innovative aspects in wheelchair sports" and presenting a free communication: Inclusive Twin- Wheelchair Basketball Program: First Season's Account

June 9th Boston – USA (Via Video Conferencing) ISDPA Power of Sport Summit. Free communication: Double Reverse Inclusion of culture and ability: Bi-lateral Palestinian and Israeli youth encounters in twin-wheelchair basketball


May 28-31, Eilat, Israel: 4th European and Mediterranean cerebral palsy and developmental medicine conference. Invited lecture on Cerebral Palsy and Fitness

August 1-4 Guangzhou, China International Convention on Science, Education and Medicine in Sport (ICSEMIS). Invited symposium on Developmental work in adapted physical activity: a multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural perspective.

October 7-9, Turin, Italy. The European Congress on Adapted Physical Activity (EUCAPA). Invited round table on: Adapted Physical Activity Concepts.

November 13 – 16, SOEE Leadership Conference in Bucharest, Romania. Invited lecture on Motivational perspectives in persons with Intellectual Disability.

November 30, Lleida, Spain: II European Congress on Sport and Intellectual Disability. Invited lecture: Adapted Physical Activity and persons with intellectual activity.

January, 08-10. Beijing, China. Invited presentation on Adapting physical activity to persons with intellectual disability: A motivational perspective

April 7-9, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. IV Congress: Rehabilitation, Exercise, Mobility, Exercise and Sports. Free communication: Wheel-assisted running training in children with cerebral palsy: A controlled clinical trial


International Dis/ability workshop: Special issue of Sport, Ethics & Philosophy, Aug 30- September 1 in Oslo Norway. Invited presentation: Motivating to physical activity in individuals with disability: A meeting point between exercise prescription and self-determination.

Madrid, Spain: Workshop on: Disability, quality of life and physical activity and sports: State of the art and looking into the future. October, 1-2. Invited presentation: Adapted physical activity as a tool for evaluation and intervention: The case of IFAPA



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