דילוג לתוכן המרכזי בעמוד

| | 16/02/2019

גלילי, יאיר


גלילי, י', ליסיצה, ס' וזך, ס' (בדפוס). הפער בין הידע לבין יישומו – כיצד מסבירים ישראלים מדוע אינם עוסקים בפעילות גופנית. סוגיות חברתיות בחינוך

גלילי י', קאופמן ח'(2013). דיווחים על משחקי כדורגל בעיתונות העברית בתקופה העות'מנית ובראשית התקופה המנדטורית (1928-1906). קשר (כתב עת לתולדת העיתונות והתקשורת בעולם היהודי ובישראל) 45, עמ' 40-32

Galily, Y. (2013). Back to the future: Modern sport and history. Zmanin 121 pp.34-35(Hebrew

Kayam, O. Talmor, R. and Galily, Y.(2013). Preparation for Life? Ethiopian Lmmigrant Students in A Matriculation Preparatory Program in Israel. Journal of Education and Culture. 2(1), pp 16-34

Galily, Y., Kayam, O. & Bar Eli, M. (2012). Effectiveness of Classification Measures in Predicting Achievement in the Israel Defense Forces – Fitness Instruction Trainers Courses as a Case Study. Sport Science Review. 21(5-6), 145-172.

Kayam, O. and Galily, Y. (2012). The Road to Success: An Examination of the Emotive Rhetorical Devices Appearing in Barack Obama’s Campaign Speeches Leading up to His Inauguration. Language and Communication Quarterly, 1(2): 144-168

Talmor R., Kayam O., Shoval E., Galily Y.,(2012) Success IS a choice- Explaining Success in Academic Preparation Programs in Israel. Journal of Comparative Research in Anthropology and Sociology

Leitner, M., Galily, Y. & Shimon, P. (2012). The Effects of Peres Center for Peace Sports Programs on the Attitudes of Arab and Jewish Israeli Youth. Leadership and Policy Quarterly, 1(2): 109-121

Galily, Y. & Shimon, P. (2012). The Transition of Retired Military Officers to a Second Career in Sport Management: The Israeli Case. Journal of Multidisciplinary Research 4 (2) pp. 5-17

Kayam, O., Hirsch, T. and Galily, Y. (2012). Linguistic Landscape: Investigation of Linguistic Representations of Cape Town. International Journal of Linguistics. 4 (3) 69-77.

Galily, Y., Tamir, I. & Levy, M. (2012). International Federations Policies and the Influence of Terror Attacks on Hosting Sporting Events in Israel. Israel Affairs. 18(4). 629-644

Shor, E. & Galily, Y. (2012). Between Adoption and Resistance: Grobalization and Glocalization in the Development of Israeli Basketball. Sociology of Sport Journal  29(4) 526-545.

Lebed, F., Muchtar, O & Galily, Y. (Forthcoming, 2012). Fast and Faster: Black Sportsmen’s Olympic Achievements. Journal of Olympic History.

Galily, Y., Tamir, I. & Muchtar, O. (2012). The Sport-Blogging Community and the Public Sphere: An Israeli Perspective. Journal for Communication and Culture, 2 (1), 68-87.

Alfasi, I., Levy, M. & Galily, Y. (Forthcoming, 2012). Israeli Football as an Arena for a Post-Colonial Struggle: The Case of Beitar Jerusalem. Soccer & Society

Kayam, O., Talmor, R. & Galily, Y. (2012). Preparation for Life – Investigation into the Israeli Ethiopian Student Community. International Journal of Education and Culture. 2 (1). 16-34

Galily, Y., Yuval, F. & Bar-Eli, M. (2012). Municipal Subsidiary Policy Toward professional Sports Teams: A Democratic Deficit in the Local Government. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, Vol. 32 (7), 431-447.

Galily, Y., Tamir, I., Eliakim, A. and Meckel, Y. (2012). Socio-cultural Characteristics of Physical Activity Habits in Israel (1992-2008). International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, Vol. 32 (7), 461-479

Kayam, O. & Galily, Y. (2012). Freedom of speech?: – Israeli Supreme Court Ruling 606/93 – Kidum Initiative Inc. versus the Israel Broadcasting Authority – A Rhetorical Language Analysis. Psychology of Language and Communication, Vol. 16 (1), 67-78.

Morgolev, I., Zach, S. & Galily, Y. (2012). The Linkage between Physical Activity and GDP. Movement – Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences. 10 (2). 236-250 [Hebrew

Tamir, I. & Galily, Y. (2011). The Human Factor in the Historical Development of the Media: Israeli Sports Pages as a Case Study. International Journal of the History of Sport, Vol. 18, 2688-2708

Galily, Y., Rubin, D. & Levy, M. (2011).  Whose Team Is It? On the Soccer Team Owners and Fans in Israel:  A Case Study of Maccabi Tel Aviv FC. Citius Altius Fortius  – Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 11 (4), 420-430.

Galily, Y., Cohen, N. & Levy, M. (2011). (Not) Higher, Stronger or Swifter: Representation of Female Olympic Athletes in the Israeli Press. Journal of International Women's Studies, 12 (4), 57-78.

Levy, M. & Galily, Y.  (2011). Critical Pedagogy in a Conflicted Society: Israel as a Case StudyJournal of Multidisciplinary Research3 (2), 19-28

Meckel, Y., Galily, Y., Nemet, D. & Eliakim, A. (2011).  Changes In Weight Indexes and Aerobic Fitness of Physical Education Students Over Three Years of College. Journal of Human Sport & Exercise, 6 (1), 112-121.

Steinvil, A., Chundadze, T., Zeltser, D., Rogowski, O., Halkin, A., Galily, Y., Perluk, H. & Viskin, S. (2011).   Mandatory Electrocardiographic Screening of Athletes to Reduce their Risk for Sudden Death: Proven Fact or Wishful

Thinking? Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 57 (11), 1291-1296.

Peretz, S. Levy. M. & Galily, Y. (2011). National and Gender Identities Perceptions among Female Football Players in Israel. Soccer & Society, 12 (2), 228-248

Tamir, I. & Galily, Y. (2010). Women's Sports Coverage in Israel – Perception versus Reality. International Journal of Sport Communication, 3(1), 92-112

Lisitza, S., Galily, Y. & Chachashvili-Bololotin, S. (2010). Talking or Doing? Gender Differences in Physical Activity Participation in Israel at the Threshold of the 21st Century. European Journal for Sport & Society, 7(1), 31-40.

Kaufman, H. & Galily, Y. (2009/Published in 2011). Body Culture, Religion and Jewish Identity. Stadion, (35), 27-45

Galily, Y. (2009). The Contribution of the Maccabiah Games to the Development of Sport in The State of Israel. Sport in Society, 12 (8), 1020-1029

Kaufman, H. & Galily, Y. (2009). Sport, Zionist Ideology and the State of Israel. Sport in Society, 12 (8), 1005-1019

Levy, M. & Galily, Y. (2009). Just for Sport!? Sports, Gambling and Politics in Israel. International Journal of the History of Sport, 26 (1), 86-102

Galily, Y. (2008). The (Re)shaping of the Israeli Sport Media: The Case of TalkBack. International Journal of Sport Communication, 1 (3), 273-285.  (lead article)

Bar-Eli, M, Galily, Y. & Israeli, A. (2008). Building and Maintaining Dominance: On the Strategic Similarities between Maccabi Tel Aviv BC and FC Bayern München. European Journal for Sport & Society, 5(1), 75-96.

Galily, Y. & Bernstein, A. (2008). High Five: The Local, the Global and the Israeli Sport on Israeli Television. Sport in Society, 11 (1), 1-18

Bernstein, A. & Galily, Y. (2008). Games and Sets: Woman, Media and Sport in Israel. Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women's Studies & Gender Issues,15 (1), 176-195.Kaufman, H. & Galily, Y. (2008). The Early Development of Hebrew Football in Eretz Israel (1910-1928). Soccer & Society, 9 (1), 81-95.

Mizrahi, S., Bar-Eli, M. & Galily, Y. (2008). Sport Policy in a Transformed Socio-political Setting: The Case of Israel. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, 15 (1). 1–23

Galily, Y. (2007). Sport, Politics & Society in Israel: The first fifty-five years. Israel Affairs. 13(3). 515-528

Kaufman, H. & Galily, Y. (2007) Reading Sports in Palestine: The Early Days of Sport Reports in the Hebrew Mandatory Press. Israel Affairs, 13 (4), 834-852.

Galily, Y. & Bar-Eli, M. (2005) From Tal Brody to European Championship: Early Americanization and Israeli Basketball ‘Golden Age’. Journal of Sport History. 32(3), 401-422. (lead article)


Galily, Y. (2013). Back to the future: Modern sport and history. Zmanin 121 pp.34-35 [Hebrew]Morgolev, I., Zach, S. & Galily, Y. (2012). The Linkage between Physical Activity and GDP. Movement – Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences. 10 (2). 236-250 [Hebrew

Galily, Y.,Tamir, I, Eliakim, A. & Meckel, Y. (2011). Get Up and Go: Changes in Physical Activities Practices in Israel (1992-2008). Social Issues in Israel, (12), 147-167. [Hebrew]

Lidor, R., Galily, Y., Feigin, N., Lebed, F., Netz, Y. Werheim, M. & Harlap, U. (2011). What is "Sport"? A Six-component Definition. Movement  Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 10 (1), 59-69. [Hebrew

Tamir, I & Galily, Y. (2011). The Influence of Terror Attacks on Hosting Sporting Events in Israel. Movement  Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 10 (1), 36-58. [Hebrew]

.Chachashvili-Bololotin, S. Lisitza, S.  & Galily, Y. (2010). Talking or doing? Gender differences in physical activity participation in Israel at the threshold of the 21st Century. Ha-refua, 6, 157-160. [Hebrew

Ram, I. & Galily, Y. (2009). To Be or Not to Be? Zionist Body Culture and the Hebrew Literature at the Beginning of the 20th Century. Social Issues in Israel, 8, 32-50. [Hebrew

Kaufman, H. & Galily, Y. (2009). Sport, Zionism and Ideology. Social Issues in Israel, 8, 10-30.  [Hebrew

Levy, M. & Galily, Y. (2007). The Establishment of Sport Gambling in Israel. Movement  Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 235-255. [Hebrew


  1. Fighters and Journalists: The Resemblance Between Women’s Place in the Sport Media and Their Presence in the Israeli Army (with Ilan Tamir). Console-in Passions. Suffolk University, Boston, Massachusetts. July 19-21, 2012
  2. Public policy in the (municipal) sport domain. Paper presented at the Israeli Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Haifa University, 28 May, 2012
  3. The Sport-Blogging Community and The Public Sphere. Paper presented at Media in Transition 7th International Conference. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 13-15 May, 2011 (with Ilan Tamir).
  4. From motion to emotion: The changing face of television coverage of the Olympic Games. Paper presented at the ICPESS Conference, Singapore, 24-27 May, 2010
  5. The human factor in the historical development of the media: Israeli sports pages as a case study. Paper presented at Media in Transition 6th International Conference. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 24-26 April 2009 (with Ilan Tamir)
  6. Talking or doing? Gender differences in physical activity participation in Israel at the threshold of the 21st century. The Israeli Sociology Association 40th Annual Conference. College of Management, February, 2009. [Hebrew] (Joint paper with Svetlana Chachashvili-Bololotin & Sabina Lisitza

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